Romance Tropes That I Will Shamelessly Admit That I Love (though i’m not even that much of a fan of romance or romance in books)

Before I start what is a trope, you ask?  Basically they are common themes you see in stories. In this post I’m going to discuss my favorite romance tropes.. Some examples of romance tropes may include the cringe-worthy insta-love, the adorably cute friends-to-lovers, the wtf-unnecessary love triangle when 99.9% of the time we already who will end up with the main character. Tropes can be annoying, boring, and formulaic, but when done right it can actually be really good. If you think about it, I’m sure that there are common tropes that you absolutely adore and it will always draw you to any particular that book with that said trope.  I know I do! So here are some of my favorite romance tropes….usually only applicable to young adult books that I read.

This is my absolute favorite trope, because it doesn’t feel forced and it’s always realistic. The main characters have known each other for a long time and their feelings are platonic in the beginning. However, they are forced in a situation in which they recognize that what they feel for each other is beyond friendship. I would love it even more if there  there would be some kind of trigger when they realize, “oh shit, I actually love him/her!” I love this trope so much because in real life, at most times relationships are generally established through friendships first. Specifically, I love the childhood friends to lovers. That is just the cutest thing. I mean I will shamelessly say that I wished this happened to me in real life, but sadly it never did.

Oh the angst. I may have been a masochist in my early life, but there are just something about one of the main characters pining over the other. You can feel their emotions and as you read you feel their suffering emotionally as well. I like to feel their insecurities and pain–it feels like someone is squeezing my heart but in a good kind of way. And in those rare circumstances the one who is not loved may try to make the other jealous. See what I mean about masochist! But in the end you know that the unrequited love will change to requited love and you can’t help but feel all giddy. AHHHH

During my younger years this was my absolute favorite trope–whether it was in books or in movies. I love the whole love-hate relationship and you know that it will eventually turn into “Hey I hated you before, but I love you now.” I love it when characters actually really don’t like each other at the beginning but then fall in love slowly later on. You ask why?  Because all the silly banters. And if you don’t know me, I love reading banters between potential lovers.. And oh the transition from fighting all the time to falling in love just gives me feels.

 Don’t ask.  But there is just something about characters pretending to be in a relationship for whatever reason–whether it’s for a bet or blackmail, who knows. I can’t help but gush when the characters are forced into situations where they have to fake feelings and but then slowly come to the realization that it might be real. There’s so much to analyze in those kisses, held hands, lingering glances. And don’t forget the denial and angst from one of them especially when they refuse to admit that they feel more than what they are letting on.

I am aware that there are numerous romance tropes out there, but these are just my top favorites. What are some of yours? If not a favorite, what is the romance trope you hate?

27 thoughts on “Romance Tropes That I Will Shamelessly Admit That I Love (though i’m not even that much of a fan of romance or romance in books)

  1. Ah, I love this. Enemies to lovers is my favourite, but I haven’t read many books with that trope. Off the top of my head I’d say Obsidian and Bully.
    You should do a post recommending the books that go along with these tropes. If its not too much trouble. Totally up to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’M LAUGHING SO HARD ON HOW YOU COINED WTF-UNNECESSARY LOVE TRIANGLES LOL. I’m also guilty of liking enemies to lovers kind of trope. That’s kind of what happens in reality usually so yeah, it’s totally relatable. I love how characters transcend from hate phase to a state of confusion to a like phase

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha I just had to. XD

      Yes it does! I mean it’s really all about getting to know the person. 🙂 The slow build-up is always great. I mean it’s funny when all of a sudden the person woke up and came to the realization and be like “holy crap I like/love him/her….” And enemies to lovers are always a fun read….:)


  3. I love this post and I can totally agree with every single one of these! I’m a sucker for all of the especially the enemies to lovers trope. One of my favourites is the relationship between Celaena and a character in Throne of Glass! Have you read Heir of Fire?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! 🙂 Enemies to lovers is always entertaining because of the slow build up in the romance aspect. When they finally fall in love it’s like the best moment! haha

      No I haven’t read it. I’m assuming the romance is something like that?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. It depends on how unrequited love is done for me. If it’s a BFF that the lead has no interest in, I’m ok with that. But if it’s an unrequited love that can lead to a love triangle (you know the ones where the lead feels that they have to entertain the idea of being with their friend and some other person), I’m out. They just frustrate me and thankfully they rarely go there.

    But I do really enjoy friends to lovers when there is no love triangle and enemies to lovers / pretending are almost must reads for me 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh my gosh, yes! You just totally penned down my feelings! Aren’t these tropes just too cute?
    My favourite is probably the hate-turned-love trope. You’re absolutely right – the silly banters… they’re like heavenly bliss to my soul. Sigh.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m probably a “seemingly unrequited love, but PSYCH! I like you too; let’s make out” trope enthusiast. I also kind of dig the “make him/her jealous” trope. But what I really like is when a book plays with the trope, throwing me some unexpected surprise as I’m reading.

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    1. Oooh the make him/her jealous is also a fun trope. Most of the ones I usually read with this trope are almost always angsty which I actually quite enjoy. Haha

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  7. Enemies to lovers is always my favorite. Whenever I read a book where two characters declare a deep hatred for each other, I find myself going “PLEASE FALL IN LOVE.”.

    Liked by 2 people

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